Saturday 5 July 2014


E Commerce had taken a larger growth in INDIA and in the world ..the online websites provide a platform to the consumer to buy product and services by with just  a click

The INDIAN consumers are now 50%  reliable on the e commerce websites ,,, the companies  or bank like ICICI  bank had also increased their customers by providing a easy way to  transfer money through mobile by downloading a simple app and by with the help of internet connecting the consumers can now recharge ,check their account details and also transfer money through mobile .or book a movie ticket .

By the help of e commerce many business firm has got a growth by launching the websites and reaching to the end customers by with a click the help of e commerce the sale volume of products has also increased and also the it had provided many jobs for the young generations...

 Through e commerce the tickets are being booked of train by the IRCTC website ..the people can by sitting in their home can look on the status of the  reservation by a click and also they can check the seats are there or not..

From 2011 to till 2015 the users of E commerce would cross to 300 million people in the country like INDIA .
now the companies are building faith in the minds of the consumer to purchase any product online by a click ......

This is a brief  narration about E commerce ..i am abhijit  hope show you are reading my blog

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