Thursday 31 July 2014

What are the benefits of reading ?

We often come to a conclusion that why we ...hesitate to read books...or anything  ... In the. Morning  we only sometimes newspapers ... our study books...but  we should read ... it is a good habit

1. Increases  vocabulary - BY reading come words that help writing ..

2. Increases  memory - By reading we are able to poteray a picture...of our thinking through book... that increases our memory and  we remember more things .

3. We learn new things.- By  reading history and autobiography of persons...we learn many thing and we apply these... qualities of leaders in our life which read ..

4. It helps us in reading fast - as if we continue .. reading our  speed increases of understanding  what is written and it helps in reading  comprehension and  helps in eassy and letter writing

These are some benefits according to me  for reading .

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