Tuesday 8 July 2014

How to save the battery in your android phone ?

There are many mobile sets in the world but every consumer faces the same problem of battery is not giveing a good usage ..

These are some tips which would help you to save battery in your phone .

1. If you are a high gamer then it is not good to play heavy games in your smart phones as it damages the battery capacity .. if you want to play then have a addition battery .

2. Apps like facebook twitter and what, s app also drain the battery .... so when you are not using it ...swith off the data connection .

3. If your mobile has a proximity sensor  then there should be a sensor for automatic .. brightness.... keep it off ...and use that ...option of the notification bar ...manually. as...up and down of the brightness...

4. Widgets ...on the .homescreen ...also... are the main reason for drop in battery ...

5. Every time you use your android phone after using it kill the apps...which are running in the background.... it is done by pressing the home button ...for 2 seconds...

If you keep in your mind and use these....tips ...then you can definitely  save your battery ..

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